God Ratifies His Covenant With Israel - Exodus Chapter 24

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This chapter deals with bearing false witness (e.g. is a system of justice/court); Sabbath rules; the institution of three national festivals; God’s promise to bring them into the Promised Land and the prohibition against idolatry. 

In this chapter, God formally enters into covenant with Israel.  Moses reads all the words of the (foundational) covenant; and the people affirm their acceptance and obedience to it.  The covenant is then ratified by the sprinkling of blood on the altar (representing God) and the elders of the people.  The elders then go up to the mountain to enjoy a peace meal before God.  After these things, Moses returns to the mountain to receive the stone tablets and further instructions from God.

00:00 – Review
04:26 – Moses and the elders prepare to go up to God
06:10 – Moses rehearses and ratifies the covenant with Israel
13:10 – The elders see and eat a peace meal before God
16:23 – Moses charges Aaron and Hur before he ascends closer up the mountain of God
19:01 – Moses ascends to the presence of God in the clouds
21:43 – Final Thoughts


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