Jesus Condemns the Religious Leaders - Matthew Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 concludes this section of the “testing of the Lamb (Jesus)” with Him condemning the religious leaders for their pride and hypocrisy.  Here Jesus pronounced seven woes upon the pharisees and scribes leading to His ultimate pronouncement of judgment.  In His final words, Jesus laments over Jerusalem and declares that He will not return again until they accept Him as Messiah.

00:00 – Review
04:59 – Jesus warns the crowd and disciples concerning the leaders
22:09 – Jesus condemns the leaders – first 3 “woes”
32:41 – Jesus continues His condemnation – “woes” 4 thru 6
44:41 – The seventh woe and pronouncement of judgment
54:48 – Jesus laments over Jerusalem
63:01 – Final Thoughts


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