Jesus Defends John - Matthew Chapter 11

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After Jesus sent His disciples to minister in Galilee, some disciples of Jon cam to Him, asking if He truly was the Messiah (being sent by John the Baptist). Jesus kept working wonders and told them to go back to John and report the things that they have seen. He comforts John to continue to believe, even though he did not understand some things. Then Jesus turns to the crowd in a marvelous defense of John and his ministry. He continued His rebuke of the cities that saw His works and yet did not repent. Finally, He explained just why they did not receive Him as Messiah in the first place.

00:00 – Review
04:09 – Complete the context of chapter 10
05:36 – John’s disciples question Jesus
17:00 – Jesus defends John
30:47 – Jesus tells how the people rejected both His and John’s preaching
37:37 – Jesus rebukes the unrepentant cities
53:36 – Jesus reveals those who receive Him
81:00 – Final Thoughts


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