Jesus is Crucified - Matthew Chapter 27 (part 2)

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After being handed over to the will of the Jewish leaders, Jesus is led out to be crucified.  Being offered some type of analgesic, He refused and was hung to experience the full pain of crucifixion.  He was mocked by passerby’s and the Jewish leaders.  Finally, with a great cry He died.  Supernatural events took place at the time of His death as many observed these events.  Joseph of Arimathea obtained Jesus’s body for burial.  The Jewish leaders, remembering that Jesus predicted His resurrection, requested from Pilate soldiers to prevent His disciples from stealing His body in the night and claiming that indeed Jesus had resurrected.

 00:00 – Review
05:31 – Jesus is crucified
20:03 – Jesus gives up His spirit (dies)
28:30 – Supernatural events occurring when Jesus died
39:38 – The burial of Jesus
42:06 – The Jewish religious leaders secure Jesus’s grave
46:22 – Final Thoughts


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