Jesus is Scourged - Matthew Chapter 27 (part 1)

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The next morning after illegal trial of Jesus, the Sanhedrin gathered to officially render judgment against Him.  Judas was remorseful because of the outcome and went to return the money.  The leaders rejected this gesture from Judas; and so, he threw the money in the temple and hung himself.  When Jesus arrived before Pilate, the leaders brought many accusations against Him.  Pilate was amused at how Jesus remained quiet throughout the barrage of accusations against Him.  Knowing that the leaders brought Jesus because of envy, Pilate tried to have Jesus released.  He was not successful in his efforts, so he had Jesus scourged and crucified.  The Roman soldiers then took Jesus and mocked Him as the King of the Jews and afterwards led Him out to be crucified.

 00:00 – Review
05:58- Judas is remorseful over his betrayal of Jesus
19:42 – The leaders accuse Jesus before Pilate
23:58 – Pilate tries to free Jesus
45:44 – The Roman soldiers mock Jesus
53:00 – Final Thoughts


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