Jesus’ Power Over Sickness and Disease - Matthew Chapter 9

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Jesus continues His healings in His hometown and surrounding areas. He demonstrates the wonderful truth of His divine Person in the healing of the paralytic. And we also see the calling of Matthew and the early stages of His rejection by the pharisees. He discusses fasting; and continues His ministry of signs which proclaim that He is the Messiah. Finally, in the healing of a mute, demon-possessed man, He is rejected by the pharisees, who ascribed the origin of His powers to demons. Nevertheless, He prepares to send His disciples out into ministry work (the harvest).

00:00 – Review
04:14 – Jesus heals a paralytic
13:12 – The call of Matthew
20:20 – Jesus answers questions about fasting
27:33 – Jesus is interrupted in going to heal a young girl
33:13 – Jesus raises the synagogue ruler’s daughter from the dead
36:58 – Jesus heals two blind men
39:36 – Jesus cast the demon out of a mute man
51:46 -Jesus mourns the spiritual decline of the people cause of lack of leadership
54:26 – Final Thoughts


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