John 1:19-34 John the Baptist's Witness of Jesus

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In this teaching, we have the interaction of John the baptist with the religious leaders as to whether or not he is the Messiah or some great spiritual figure. John denied these things but made them aware that the Messiah was presently among them. Later, John would point out that Jesus was Messiah and state that He was the Son of God.

00:00 – Introduction
05:44 – John the baptist is asked to identify himself
12:44 – Continuing questioning for identification
17:02 – John biblically identifies himself
21:13 – John reveals that the Messiah has arrived
27:01 – John sees Jesus and declares Him to be the Lamb of God
36:56 – John testifies of Jesus’s greatness
39:02 – John tells how he was able to know Jesus is the Messiah
47:08 – Final Thoughts


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