Joseph's silver cup - test #3 - Genesis Chapter 44

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Joseph’s brothers went down to Egypt a second time to buy food; but this time they took their youngest brother. Remember, Jacob was extremely reluctant to send his youngest son. But Joseph had strictly warned them that if they did not bring him, then they would not be able to buy any more grain. So, Judah became surety for Benjamin. They went down to Egypt and ate a meal with Joseph. After the meal, Joseph had their sacks filled with food; but he also had his silver cup placed in Benjamin’s sack. He then commanded his servant to overtake the brothers at the edge of town and seize them with the cup and bring them back. All of this was done as Joseph’s third and final test of his brothers. In trying to save Benjamin, Judah made the most heartfelt plea.

00:00 – Review
08:09 – Joseph commands the cup to be planted
15:38 – The brothers return to face Joseph
25:48 – Final Thoughts


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