moses divides the red sea - exodus chapter 14

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As the children of Israel departed Egypt, pharaoh and the Egyptians began to have a change of heart. They regretted allowing the Hebrews to leave and wanted to re-enslave them. God knew this would be the case and He hardened pharaoh’s heart, telling Moses to change Israel’s travel directions to appear as if they were lost and confused. God would use this to cause pharaoh to chase after them. Moses obeyed and the Egyptians pursued as God said. God protected Israel through the cloud. Then God commanded Moses to divide the Red Sea (Sea of Reeds) which allowed Israel to traverse on dry ground. When the Egyptians tried to do so, God drowned them.

00:00 – Review
04:11- God commands Israel to change travel directions
12:01 – Pharaoh pursues Israel in the wilderness
16:25 – The Israelites fear the Egyptians and complain to Moses
24:08 – Moses calms the people
31:00 – God protects Israel and the Red Sea is divided
37:21 – The Egyptians pursue and are drowned
41:24 – Moses commands the water to cover the Egyptians
50:37 – Final thoughts


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