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The Fall of Adam | Genesis 3:1-7
Genesis 1 and 2 gives us a wonderful picture of creation with the Man and the Woman enjoying each other; and most of all, they are in fellowship with God. In chapter 3 we are introduced to their first temptation to disobey God’s commandment concerning the forbidden tree.
The Trees of Life and Knowledge of Good and Evil | Genesis 2:4-9
Genesis 2 looks more closely at the creation of man on the 6th day. And also let’s look a little deeper at the reason for the tree of life and the tree of knowledge and what it meant for Adam. We also take a slight diversion in explaining why good angels never turn bad and bad angels never turn good.
How To Respond To God’s Discipline | 2 Samuel 16:5-13
There are times when we believe that we are being punished by God for our sins or something that we did wrong. So, what should we do?
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