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God Strikes Cattle, Sends Blisters and Rains Hail on Egypt – Exodus Chapter 9

God Strikes Cattle, Sends Blisters and Rains Hail on Egypt – Exodus Chapter 9

After the plague of frogs and swarms of insects, God began to place a distinction between Goshen, where the Israelites dwelled and the rest of Egypt. All the rest of the plagues only struck the Egyptians. The fifth plague strikes the cattle. The sixth plague strikes the Egyptians with blistering boils on their skin. And In the seventh plague God sends a devastating hailstorm. But in all of this, pharaoh and his people’s hearts still remain hardened against the God of Israel.

The Rod into a Serpent; Waters turned to Blood; Satanic Duplication – Exodus Chapter 7

The Rod into a Serpent; Waters turned to Blood; Satanic Duplication – Exodus Chapter 7

Continuing from chapter 6, God remedies Moses’ complaint of not being eloquent by sending Aaron as a spokesperson (prophet) for him. In his second appearance before pharaoh, Aaron’s (Moses) rod is turned into a serpent; but pharaoh’s magicians are able to accomplish the same miracle. And this working of demonic miracles by the magicians of pharaoh is significant in understanding both the power and limitation of Satan himself.

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