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Moses, the Deliverer … Not Yet – Exodus Chapter 2

Moses, the Deliverer … Not Yet – Exodus Chapter 2

After many years of oppression, God brings forth a baby boy by the name of Moses, who He will use to deliver Israel from Egyptian slavery. However, even though Moses will be aware of his uniqueness, it will not be because of his believing in his own qualifications and abilities that God will deliver the descendants of Jacob. He will attempt to deliver the Jews, but will fail magnificently. It is then that God will prepare him for the second phase of his life that he will learn to SHEPHERD the flock of God.

Hebrew Slaves in Egypt – Exodus Chapter 1

Hebrew Slaves in Egypt – Exodus Chapter 1

Many years have passed since Jacob and his people went down into Egypt under the gentle care of Joseph. Both Jacob and Joseph are dead and a new dynasty of kings have risen over Egypt. And this family of kings have no appreciation or remembrance of how Joseph saved Egypt from starvation. So, the new kings of Egypt began to employ measures to suppress and oppress the Hebrew people, enslaving them and making their lives bitter with harsh treatment in an atmosphere of death.

Jacob and Joseph’s Death (Genesis Begins With Life But Ends With Death) – Genesis Chapter 50

Jacob and Joseph’s Death (Genesis Begins With Life But Ends With Death) – Genesis Chapter 50

After Jacob tells his twelve sons what will become of their tribal families, he closes his eyes in death. Joseph has his body embalmed and asks the pharaoh for permission to bury his father in the Land of Canaan. He is accompanied by a great entourage from Egypt and they mourn many days the death of Jacob. In time, Joseph dies and makes his brothers to promise to take his remains to the Land of Canaan, when the Lord brings the tribal family of Israel back to the Land of Promise.

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