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Jacob Prospers Despite Laban’s Treachery – Genesis Chapter 30

Jacob Prospers Despite Laban’s Treachery – Genesis Chapter 30

After Jacob has arrived in Haran, he meets Rachel his uncle’s daughter at a well. He tells her who he is and she takes him to her father’s house. Jacob after seven years marries Leah and Rachel, Laban’s daughters. Jacob loves Rachel, but is not so loving of Leah. So, God graciously opens her womb and she bears him four sons in the hope that Jacob would love her too. In this chapter we see where the two women are engaging in a race to see who can have the most children. But also, there is a note of Rachel’s spiritual lacking. God finally gives her a son and Jacob wants to go back home. However, Laban is unwilling to let Jacob leave because he has noticed how Jacob’s God has prospered him on account of Jacob. So, he bargains with Jacob once again – only to deceive him again. But God over-rules Laban’s actions against Jacob and greatly increases his wealth.

Jacob’s Deception – The deceiver is deceived! – Genesis Chapter 29

Jacob’s Deception – The deceiver is deceived! – Genesis Chapter 29

After receiving a visitation by God in a dream, Jacob’s spirit is revived and he journeys onward to Haran. After arriving there, he meets some shepherds at a well who tell him that Rachel, his uncle’s daughter, is headed to the same place. He introduces himself to Rachel; and she thereby introduces Jacob to her father Laban. Laban welcomes Jacob. After working for him for a short period, Jacob contracts with Laban to marry his younger daughter Rachel. Laban deceives Jacob and gives him the eldest daughter Leah. Jacob then has to negotiate once again a bridal price for Rachel. But, all is not well in his household. Leah is unloved. So, God favors her because Jacob does not.

Jacob’s Dream – Genesis Chapter 28

Jacob’s Dream – Genesis Chapter 28

After Jacob deceives his father into blessing him with the birthright, his brother Esau plans to kill him after his father dies. Their mother Rebekah learns of this and makes another plan that will send Jacob away to take a wife from her brother’s house. Isaac openly and rightly blesses Jacob with the Abrahamic blessing and sends him to his uncle Laban’s house to get a wife. On his long journey there, no doubt Jacob is full of fear and apprehension. So, on the way, God appears to him in a dream to establish the Abrahamic covenant and reassure him of His continued presence. Although Jacob is clearly not the man God wants him to be, what awaits him is a long period of discipline and transformation.

Jacob’s Deception – Genesis Chapter 27

Jacob’s Deception – Genesis Chapter 27

n this chapter we return our attention back to Jacob. Isaac fears that his death may be near, so he determines to bless his favorite son Esau, although he knows this is contrary to the will of God. Rebekah, his wife who’s favorite son is Jacob, plots to deceive Isaac and obtain the blessing of the birthright for him. The plot is successful and Jacob deceives Isaac into giving him the blessing, only with Esau coming in afterwards to find out he has lost his opportunity. He is furious with his brother Jacob and determines to kill him when his father dies. So, in all of this mess, Rebekah concocts another plan. This time to try to save the life of her son Jacob. So, she complains to her husband Isaac that she would be grieved if Jacob married one of the Hittite women as Esau had done, prompting him to send Jacob to her homeland in Haran to find a wife there.

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