Peter’s Great Confession - Matthew Chapter 16

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After returning from the region of the Gentiles, Jesus is once again confronted by the religious leaders, asking for a messianic sign.  Jesus rejected their request and warned His disciples of the false teachings of those leaders.  He then continued to ask about what the people and the disciples themselves thought of Jesus.  Peter made a great confession that Jesus was not only Messiah, but also God.  After these things, Jesus began to teach His disciples even further of what His ministry entails.  Peter refuses this and Jesus began to teach about what it truly means to be His disciple.

00:00 – Review
07:22 – The religious leaders ask for more signs
14:04 – Jesus warns His disciples against the false teaching of the leaders
21:39 – Peter’s great confession
47:62 – Jesus teaches the necessity of His upcoming death
58:26 – Jesus teaches on discipleship
69:37 – Final Thoughts


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