pharaoh rejects God's command - exodus chapter 5

After Moses went to the elders of Israel to tell them that he has been divinely commissioned by their God to deliver them from slavery, he goes to pharaoh. He confidently tells the king that God commands him to release Israel, but is strongly rejected. The king accuses the Israelites of laziness and adds to their burdens by taking away the straw that was formerly given to them and commanding them to get their own. This results in the Hebrew slaves inability to meet their daily quota of bricks; and the Hebrew foremen are beaten. They then complain to pharaoh, but he does not change his mind. The Hebrew foremen then accuse Moses for their predicament’ and Moses cries out to God.

00:00 – Review
03:15 Moses initial appearance before pharaoh
10:23 – Pharaoh’s response to Moses and Aaron
13:58 – The Egyptian overseers take the king’s orders back to the slaves
17:14 – The Hebrew taskmasters appeal to pharaoh
21:00 – The Hebrew taskmasters accuse Moses
27:05 – Final thoughts


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