The Day of the Lord (1 Thessalonians 5)

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Paul continues his eschatological teachings concerning the Day of the Lord, a unique time of God’s judgment on the whole earth.  And he closes his letter exhorting the Thessalonians to holy living, looking to the Coming of Christ (Rapture).

00:00 – Opening thoughts and review of previous section
03:10 – The Thessalonians are aware of the Day of the Lord
13:13 – The Day of the Lord surprises unbelievers
17:26 – The Day does not surprise believers
27:55 – Christians will not experience the Day of the Lord (Tribulation)
36:44 – Exhortation to respect and appreciate teaching elders
40:33 – Admonish the non-workers and be sensitive to the weak
45:42 – The spirituality of the believer – never murmur and complain
51:52 – Examine all prophetic utterances
57:09 – Abstain from all forms of evil – just live right
59:20 – Paul closes this epistle
64:50 – Summary and final thoughts


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