the feast of unleavened bread - exodus chapter 12 (part 2)

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After instructing Moses on how the Israelites are to observe the Passover, God continues instructing Moses to tell them to observe an additional ritual immediately following – the Feast of Unleavened Bread. This was a seven day observance where no leavened bread was to be eaten under threat of divine judgment. It signified holy (sinless) living before God in response to His great deliverance (Passover). Namely, living as God prescribes (in holiness) in response to Jesus’ sacrifice of Himself on the cross. We can do nothing to save ourselves. We are saved by believing in what Jesus Christ has done – by faith alone. However, we are not to look at sin in a causal manner or allow it in our lives at all. We are to be unleavened.

00:00 – Review
04:31 – Establishment of the feast
19:52 – How to observe the feast
23:58 – Emphasis not to eat leavened bread
31:29 – Moses instructs the leaders concerning Passover and Unleavened Bread
36:35 – Final thoughts


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