The Memorial of the Passover - exodus chapter 12 part 3

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Moses continues instructing the elders of Israel how to observe the rites of the feasts of Passover and Unleavened Bread. He informs them that these ritual practices are to be observed from each successive generation. They are to commemorate God’s great deliverance of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. He continues to give instructions on how non-Israelites (non-Jews) are to celebrate the Passover if they are believers in the God of Israel.

00:00 – Review
05:45 – Remembrance of the Passover
13:03 – The death of Egypt’s firstborn
24:14 – The Israelites are urged to leave by the people
30:51 – The Israelites hurriedly depart from Egypt
37:01 – Instructions for Gentiles to eat the Passover
53:36 – Continuing instructions for Gentile observance of Passover
55:49 – Final thoughts


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