The Parables of the Kingdom - Matthew Chapter 13 part 2

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In this second part of Chapter 13, Jesus continues to teach in parables concerning this new mystery kingdom.  He explains how that this new kingdom (the church) will begin pure and end in impurity; begin small and end great; begin with right doctrine and become saturated with false doctrine.  But, although this new kingdom (the church) will have such a sad ending, the unrighteous will be removed from the true saints and cast into Hell in judgment.

00:00 – Review
09:41 – The parable of the tares
21:45 – The parable of the mustard seed
32:51 – The parable of leaven
44:05 – Why did Jesus speak in parables?
47:38 – The parable of the tares explained
51:55 – The parable of the hidden treasure
55:42 – The parable of the costly pearl
58:53 – The parable of the great net
61:04 – The new kingdom will have both old and new laws
73:27 – Jesus is rejected in Nazareth
77:40 – Final Thoughts


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