exodus chapter 7

Continuing from chapter 6, God remedies Moses’ complaint of not being eloquent by sending Aaron as a spokesperson (prophet) for him.  In his second appearance before pharaoh, Aaron’s (Moses) rod is turned into a serpent; but pharaoh’s magicians are able to accomplish the same miracle.  And this working of demonic miracles by the magicians of pharaoh is significant in understanding both the power and limitation of Satan himself.  After the magicians’ serpent-rods are swallowed up, Moses is again sent to pharaoh; but this time he strikes the waters of the Nile River and everything dies.  Egypt is left without water for seven days.

00:00 – Review
05:09 – God sends Moses to Pharaoh (restrengthening)
18:55 – Moses before pharaoh – rod turned into a serpent
31:50 – Moses commanded to strike the Nile River
40:41 – The Nile is turned into blood
44:03 – The Egyptian magicians duplicate the blood miracle
46:10 – Final thoughts


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