The Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 5:1-20

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As the large crowds followed Jesus, wandering if He were the Messiah who would bring about the kingdom, Jesus led them to a mountain and began to teach them.  The essence of His teachings in this video deals with who is qualified to enter the kingdom of the Messiah.  Jesus answered that as those who look to Him for their spiritual needs and are willing to suffer on account of their faith in Him.  He continued on informing them of their purpose in this world – to preserve and give revelation of God.  Then He tells them that He will fulfill the Law of Moses and that one day it will pass away.  Finally, He warned the people not to have an external righteous (alone) like the pharisees if they hoped to enter His kingdom.

00:00 – Review
06:23 – Jesus positions Himself to teach
12:16 – Jesus teaches spiritual dependence and humility
27:14 – Jesus teaches on how to treat others
32:44 – Jesus commends suffering for Him
41:13 – The responsibility of God’s people in the world
52:55 – Jesus addresses the Law of Moses
61:01 – Final Thoughts


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