The Transfiguration of Jesus - Matthew Chapter 17

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After Peter’s great confession of Jesus dual nature as Messiah and God, Jesus began to reveal His upcoming death and resurrection.  Then because of Peter’s unwillingness to accept this, Jesus taught them on the nature of discipleship – always doing the Father’s will.  But He also encouraged them that some of them would see the coming Kingdom.  In this chapter Jesus fulfills His word and gives His disciples a preview of the Kingdom.  After this, He continues training them to build their faith through prayer.  Finally, He taught them of their status as children of the kingdom; and even for us today of the need to pay government taxes.

00:00 – Review
07:10 – The transfiguration of Jesus
35:42 – Jesus heals an epileptic boy
48:15 – Jesus reminds the disciples of His coming death and resurrection
47:62 – Jesus teaches the necessity of His upcoming death
51:15 – Jesus pays the temple tax
60:00 – Final Thoughts


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