The Unforgivable Sin - Matthew Chapter 12 part 2

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In the previous section of chapter 12, we saw where the pharisees were rejecting Jesus because of what He was doing on the Sabbath and that they had determined to kill Him. In this last section, a mute, demon-possessed man is brought to Jesus and He heals him. This sets of great wondering of whether of not Jesus was truly the messiah as He said. The pharisees began stirring up the people against Jesus and this led to great condemnation and the pivot point of Jesus’ ministry to the Jews.

00:00 – Review
09:23 – Jesus heals a mute, demon-possessed man
24:50 – Jesus demands a decision from the people
38:16 – Jesus reveals the true nature of the pharisees
45:27 – The pharisees seek more signs of Jesus messianic claim
61:01 – Gentiles will judge the generation of Jesus
67:37 – Jesus speaks a parable relating to Israel’s rejection
76:40 – Jesus sets forth a “new family”
27:47 – The pharisees tests Jesus concerning the Sabbath
78:44 – Final Thoughts


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