What is the Tribulation?

Before we get into Revelation chapter 6, I thought it would be a good idea to give an extended overview of exactly what the Tribulation is and how to properly understand it.  Briefly, it is a period of seven years in which God in dealing with the Jewish people will also bring judgments upon the whole world.  This period can be divided into two 3 1/2 year periods.  During the first 3 1/2 years there will be the rise of the anti-Christ.  During the latter 3 1/2 years he will exercise control and domination over the entire world.  It is during this time that the whole world will be divided into 10 kingdoms (with ten leaders [kings])- all ruled by the anti-Christ.  This is all contained in Revelation chapters 6-19. It is also during this time that wickedness is at its greatest; and God brings judgment that’s been building up over the ages.  (This is the idea of “the cup being full”).  The Tribulation ends with the Return of Jesus in the 2nd Advent and the restoration of Israel and the blessings of the Millenial Kingdom.






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