The Fall of Adam | Genesis 3:1-7

The Fall of Adam | Genesis 3:1-7

Genesis 1 and 2 gives us a wonderful picture of creation with the Man and the Woman enjoying each other; and most of all, they are in fellowship with God. In chapter 3 we are introduced to their first temptation to disobey God’s commandment concerning the forbidden tree.

The Days of Creation 1-4 | Genesis 1:3-19

The Days of Creation 1-4 | Genesis 1:3-19

After the chaos of the original creation, God begins the restoration of the universe. But this time, the world is being remade for humanity. So, on the first day He restores the lights of the heavens. On the second day He pulled back the waters of the first worldwide flood (deluge). And on day three He created vegetation. Then on the fourth day God set the stars and planetary bodies.

The Chaotic World | Genesis 1:2 | The Study of Genesis

The Chaotic World | Genesis 1:2 | The Study of Genesis

In Genesis 1:1 God created the universe (heavens and the earth). The grammatical construction of the Hebrew texts as well as the context of Scripture teaches us that this was a perfect and orderly creation. However, without explanation that universe is found in total disarray in the very next verse. Join me as we explore what has happened to completely “undue” God’s perfect world.

The Creation | Genesis 1:1

The Creation | Genesis 1:1

Genesis 1:1 is the creation of the universe. This very first verse of the Bible teaches many principles. Some of them are the origins of the universe, the creator of the universe, and the orderliness of the first creation.