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Jesus Heals a Man BORN BLIND – John Chapter 9
In this teaching we see how a man, born blind, receives both his physical and spiritual sight, while others who see, remain spiritually blind. And once again, we also have the record of the divine nature of Jesus.
Before Abraham Was “I AM” – John 8:25-59
As we bring to conclusion Jesus at the Feast of Booths, He continued to make declarations of His divine person (I AM).
Unless You Believe That “I AM”, You Will Die in Your Sins – John 8:12-24
In Jesus’s interaction with the Jews about His origin, He sets forth a divine mandate for salvation.
Jesus Promises the Spirit – John 7:37-52
On the last great day of the Feast of Booths, Jesus announces that all who believe in Him will receive the Spirit.
Jesus Goes to the Feast of Booths – John 7:1-36
Jesus goes to the Feast of Booths, where his brothers wanted Him to make a Messianic announcement.
Many of Jesus’ “Disciples” Leave Him – John 6:59-71
In response to Jesus’s teaching about His origins and the necessity of eating and drinking His blood, many turn from following Him.
Except You Eat My Flesh and Drink My Blood You Have No Life – John 6:41-58
Jesus continues His teaching that He is the Bread of Life and warns the people of the necessity to receive His as such.
The Election and Security of the Believer – John 6:36-40
In this teaching we will continue our study of John in looking at the two principles set forth here: election and eternal security.
Jesus… “I AM The Bread of Life”. – John 6:22-35
Jesus declares that He is the Bread of Life to the people as they came looking for Him to repeat the miracle of the loaves.
Jesus Walks on Water – John 6:16-21
Jesus walks on the water as a sign to His disciples that He is God.
Jesus Feeds Over 5,000 Men from 2 Fish and 5 Loaves – John 6:1-15
Jesus feeds over 5, 000 people. Why did He do this? What is John’s message in this account?
Jesus Gives Witnesses to His Claim to be God – John 5:25-47
Jesus gives witnesses to His claim that He is God.