Jesus is Condemned Before the Religious Leaders – Matthew Chapter 26 (part 2)

Jesus is Condemned Before the Religious Leaders – Matthew Chapter 26 (part 2)

After three hours of intense prayer, Jesus woke His disciples, because Judas had come with a band of soldiers. A brief skirmish took place, but Jesus prevented any escalation and allowed Himself to be arrested. He is then led to the home of the high priest Caiaphas, where s late night (illegal) pre-trial is convened. Since Jesus refused to defend Himself, the high priest placed Him under oath and Jesus affirmed that He was indeed the Messiah and the Son of God.

Jesus Celebrates His Last Passover With His Disciples – Matthew Chapter 26 (part 1)

Jesus Celebrates His Last Passover With His Disciples – Matthew Chapter 26 (part 1)

After Jesus concluded His prophetic words about the Rapture and His Second Coming, He began to prepare for His final Passover, when He would be crucified. He reminded His disciples of this and was anointed by Mary in preparation for burial. After this, Judas went and betrayed Jesus to the religious leaders for thirty pieces of silver. Jesus acquired a place to celebrated the Passover and reveals that one of His disciples would betray Him.

Jesus Foretells the End of the Age – Matthew Chapter 24

Jesus Foretells the End of the Age – Matthew Chapter 24

After Jesus’s denunciation of the leaders and warning of Jerusalem’s destruction, His disciples seek to understand His prophetic words about the destruction of the temple and the future setting up of the kingdom. Jesus began by giving them a general overview of increasing despair as the world moved towards the time of the Tribulation and then provided them a sign to signify when the kingdom would be set up.